Retail Design Lab @IED Roma

Many thanks IED Roma for the invitation to direct the retail lab 2023 in partnership with BIBAshops Barcelona. Together with students we will propose a new image for the retail design of the BIBA shops. Thanks to Jorge Mas and Crearmas to collaborate with us.

New commission

A complete refurbishment in a wonderful vineyard on the slopes of Etna volcano, Sicily

Milan design week

Bebo&Angel new collection eternal displayed at Salone del mobile Milano 2022. An entire stand at Rho Fiera. Hall1 stand H10-12

Do not miss it!


B&A, Bimtegra SRL and Truewood LLC have now joined Nábito to bring to the clients services of engineering and management, interior, furniture design and decoration to complete this holistic approach and give a turn key service to the investors. The main goal of the group is to interact and co-operate, each one within its field of expertise, to produce a combined performance greater than the sum of their separate service.